[RO Update] Jan 3rd Week

🚀AP Operations Cafe
6 min readJan 26, 2021

A little book sharing that inspired a lot (it teaches you more than money)

Rich Dad, Poor Dad Ch.1

“Life pushes us all around. Some people give up and others fight. A few of them learn the lesson and move on. They welcome life pushing them around.”

“Stop blaming ‘me’ and thinking I’m the problem. If you think I’m the problem, then you have to change me. If you realise that you’re the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something and grow wiser.”

The Power of Imagination

when you go to work everyday, completing your 9-to-5, no matter how hard you work, you are just getting the set amount of paycheck. But the secret to grow super rich (in both money & brain), is not to solely put 100% of your focus in finding & progressing to a higher pay dayjob.

But it’s to create VALUE with your imagination, that’s the power that this world would reward you with.

“In the Information Age and the age of the Internet, millions of people under the age of 30 are getting rich using their imaginations to create apps that change the world — from Facebook to Uber to Snapchat and others.

This with imaginations thrive while those without it are still looking for a job… a job that may soon be replaced by robots and technology.”

it’s just a little reminder of whenever life feels stuck, no matter it is AIESEC operations, to your day job later on, keep this mindset: your life is not about your day job, it’s about how much value you can create for yourself, not your employer.

And in AIESEC context, we are leaders who want to get out of this stuck situation, then research what kind of values can AIESEC provide to this “new normal”, start by researching the following topics:

Have a nice read and give yourself time to imagine, what AIESEC can be ❤

1. Goals Submission

After your replanning, you should have your new goals set for this semester and it’s time to collect them!

Take note there are two goals to submit globally:
1. Operation goals (to be submit on EXPA), DDL: 5th Feb

2. SnD goals (submit on survey), DDL: 29th Jan
Survey links:

2. VPP Application

Please note that all VPP operations are handled from AI, please approach Connie if there’s a need of VPP operation consultancy. RO’s role is only to give recommendations based on our familiarity with your entity’s reality

1. Regional Performance Update (Dec-Jan):

Our utmost appreciation to these entities who have been working throughout December to January. For more detailed analysis, anticipate it during commission call and Feb 1st week newsletter

2. Timeline reminders:

As we are approaching the last week of January, start reviewing whether your product operations are on-time!

1. Remember to do goals alignment with IR, oGT before you start attraction
2. January to February is the sales peak for iGT, so start kickstart your sales and unblock other priorities as much as you can so your entity are focusing on the priority!

3. AP SnD Alignment in Feb

Yes, there is another thing we need you to fill it in
(but don’t get us wrong, we are doing this to solve one of our key issue of the region — SnD Misalignment)

What we are trying to do with this SnD Alignment Tab:
1. For you to set goals by month with which top 3 IR partners you want to work within the upcoming month
2. Check on the amount of volume you expect from your IR partners
3. Check whether your IR partners are focusing on you!! and in similar amount too
4. Adjust your goals accordingly, so you are getting the most accurate goals that you can expect from your partners

In order to facilitate SnD alignment in the region, please help us fill the SnD Dashboard for Fruit Peak 2021(GT master tracker)

We would have this conversation about SnD alignment during our commission call each month, so please finish it before 28th Jan!

*VPP SnD will directly be supported by Connie, so just put whether you are focusing on VPP and in what volume would be fine

4. LC Planning

1 week is left until the start of the new LC term, remember to check on your elected LCVPs readiness, to help you do so, here are couples points you can cover with them:

-Did they set goals and will their action plans help them achieve their goals?
-Did you provide feedback on their plan and strategies?
-Are they confident with their structure and did they synergize with TM on recruitment/reallocation?

Re-planning feedback output:

Replanning feedback from RO is ready!! Check your feedback from RM for these entities and appreciate all the efforts that went into product replanning!

Feedback given to: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Indonesia, India, Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand ❤

Remember to check the feedback provided by RO and approach the RM responsible in case you have a question or need clarification.

January Strategies Progress:

for iGT entities, remember to finalise your NEC align to Sales Minimum and hand in to this folder before Commission this Thursday!

Commission call agenda:

Very Last Part! Join us in AP TLC Agenda Team

link to booklet and link to form, can’t wait to see your application!



🚀AP Operations Cafe

Monthly Regional Newsletter made for AP MCVPs Operations to get updates, learnings and recharged for the upcoming weeks